The Life

Author’s note: How many of you know that listening to God is like catching the flow of a river, a spontaneous, sparkling rush of words in our hearts, that connects us to the Creator of all things, who loves to speak with us. This word seemed timely when I wrote it, yet seems far more so today. That’s one of the mysteries of connecting with God’s Spirit. I trust He has something beautiful in this word for you as He did for me. God bless!



Taste and See!

valley of flowersLet everyone who has ears to hear, hear…what the Spirit is saying…Hold on to the goodness of the Lord your God. Child…I love you. I desire all things good. I know you have suffered brokenness and loss. Sometimes the valleys may seem never-ending. However, as I have promised — and I AM not a man that I should lie, I make ALL things new! There is a season to everything in the Lord’s purposes. The valleys you have walked through are the very ground where heaven’s loveliest flowers have taken root and found space to grow with abandon, and where rivers of blessing have found room to flow. In every valley I have walked with you. And as I have promised, every valley will be lifted up! Give me your valleys…now. For they are mine just as the earth and all the starry hosts are mine, and just as you are mine, O beloved, of the Lord’s heart.

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good. (Psalm 34:8)

From God’s Heart


All Things


It is time for My fruitfulness.
This is a time of new beginnings. Expect it!
Time is not running out. Time is being replenished.
Time is being replenished for the people of God.
The many waters of your tears and years of prayers
Shall now raise up a great abundant harvest.
Behold, I AM makes all things new.
Indeed, all things are being restored!
I AM delights in the well-being of His servants
In the well-being of those who follow Him
And in the hearts of those who have learned
Heaven’s secret of ‘seeking Him first’
In order that all things might be added
Most fully and delightfully unto them.


From God’s Heart
2014 S. Michaels

Cast Wide Your Nets

goodfon.comThe time has come to cast wide your nets.

The Lord is freeing you to move on in divine destiny. Move forward in faith. Look back no more at what might have been, as in days gone by. A season of fruitful vineyards is upon you. Rejoice and be glad!  Only yesterday, you felt weighed down. Today, the Lord removes from you every burden and releases upon you garments of praise.

Cast wide your nets, cast wide!

Move forward as the Spirit leads, in the adventuresome pathways of the Lord. The Lord goes before you. No longer will you stand idly on the shoreline. No longer will you feel separated from the Lord’s purposes and plans. For the Lord  is opening before you a divine and effective doorway, and in great love He is drawing you into a season of renewal. Yes, as He has promised, the Lord makes ALL things new.

From God’s Heart

The Waymaker


Who makes a way?
Where there is none…
Who makes a way?
A righteous one…

Who makes a way?
Across mountains steep…
Who makes a way?
For those who weep…

Who makes a way?
On storm-tossed seas…
Who makes a way?
Through winds and waves…

Who makes a way?
By hope and faith…
Who makes a way?
By saving grace…

Who makes a way?
To higher ground…
Who makes a way?
When no help is found…

Who makes a way?
When you feel weak…
Who makes a way?
For all who seek…

Who makes a way?
Through loss and sorrow…
Who makes a way?
For every tomorrow…

Who makes a way?
For humble hearts…
Who makes a way?
Even in the dark…

Who makes a way?
When none seem to care…
Who makes a way?
When life’s hard to bear…

Who makes a way?
Through every strife…
His Name is Jesus
The Way
the Truth
the Life

© 2013 S. Michaels
From God’s Heart