Star Flowers

There by the lake
We returned
Where the linden tree
Stands watch
And lets us play
And laughs unseen
Year after year
At us, being kids again.
Blowing bubbles.
Great glassy spheres.
Sail. Float. Disappear.
Not so, the late flowers
Resilient as sun.
Reminding us to laugh
And dream and stay.

© 2012 S. Michaels
Taking Care of Dreams

Along A Prairie Lake

I have stood as a reed
Near marshlands silent, dark
Arms crooked, a sturdy weathered oak
I’ve stood stifled as rough wild grass
Crushed yellow underfoot in dry seasons
Curbed by winters unyielding and icy
Withered, scattered as brown leaves

I have stood and waited as the birch
Through fire seasons. Floods. Hail.
Witnessing life in black and white.
Standing in faith. Planting seedlings.
I have seen sunrises encircling skies.

I have stood solemn as an evergreen
By open fields. Awaiting harvests
And fields of laughter that lay ahead.

I am no longer easily uprooted. I stand.
Arms strong. Stretched wide as the elm
Sheltering travellers. Listeners. Seekers. Storm chasers.

I have learned to drink deep of autumn rains
Along a prairie lake. I stand as a reed unbruised.
Here, I live. And stand. And dream.

© 2012 S. Michaels
Taking Care of Dreams

What Matters Most – Life Notes

Autumn leaves. Stepping stones. Never letting go of dreams. Childlike faith. Cotton pyjamas. Fluffy snowflakes. Rain-scented winds. Big wide umbrellas. Playful fun with kids. ‘Catch me first!’ Good books. Happy endings. Dark stormy nights. Holes in socks. Favorite old sweaters. Short grocery lists. Winding roads. Faded jeans. Ocean waves. Forest walks. Mountaintops. Babies born. Celebrations. Kindly words. Faith renewed. Muddy shoes. Mopping up. Weekend chores. Surprise gifts. Simple things. Meals at home. Slices of heaven. Birds taking wing. Counting one’s blessings. Worries let go of. Saying ‘i forgive’. Being true and real. Meaning what you say. Sleeping under stars. Working hard. Rising early. Taking breaks. Saturday comics. A big coffee mug with your name on it. Humming a new song. Washing the car. Hard work. Saying ‘hello’. Helping a neighbor. Blowing more birthday candles. Lost things found. Bills paid.Throwing snowballs. Running extra miles. Lending others courage. Giving more. Leaps of faith. Laughing loud. Glass half-full. Strong embraces. Forgiving 70 x 7. Lighting a spark. Never giving up. Fearless of the dark. Finding healing. Hating evil. Loving good. Knowing the difference.

Lighting candles. Riding a bike. Teaching someone. Listening. Enjoying life. No grumbling or complaining. Seeking solace. Flying somewhere new. Raking up leaves. Leaving the dishes. Holding a sneeze. Stretching unused muscles. Saying, ‘bless you!’ and ‘please’. Turning off the news. Calling a friend. Looking ahead. Sipping tea. Sunlight on water. Saying ‘i do’.

Living in balance. Trying again. Running errands. Learning reverance. Breaking bread. Saying, ‘Amen’. Hugging the cat. Losing at bat. Receiving miracles. Making daisy chains. Being faithful. Knowing God. Smiling…just because. Seeking peace. Pursuing good. Trying again. Entertaining angels. Knowing when to ‘say when’. Letting go. Lessons learned. Forgiving. saying ‘i’m sorry’. Erasing debts. Believing more. Loving more. saying ‘Thank you!’ Stretching faith to the limit. Singing everyday praises. Climbing mountains. Making a difference.

© 2012 S. Michaels
Taking Care of Dreams

Earth Rhythms

Morning wind stirs paper tigers

Nothing to fear, only shadows

Prairie voices shivering in socks

Overnight on the clothesline

Damp with morning dew

String-beaded on tallgrasses

White poplars shelter a doe

Wide-eyed, following a rivulet

The water path, wild and lone

Draws her through the old woods

Where I walk on common ground

Songs old as time whisper

Beg me to hold close rhythms

Of earth, time’s dream passages

In silence, faith speaks loudly

Gathering daylight as flowers

© 2012 S. Michaels
Taking Care of Dreams


In a troubled dream

Once you stood alone

Where a door sign read:

‘Closed for Season’

One too many nights

Spent wondering why

Wrestling questions

Unravelling wherefores

Trying hard to understand

How roads less travelled

Could get you anywhere

Pure trust as a child born

Kept you waiting there

Where rivers touch skies

With arms open wide

You know dreamers still dream

And so do you, finding out

Someone went all out for you

To bring you to this place

That says: Welcome home

No outpost where you belong

Life’s  just fine-tuning forever

In a song & the universe sings

Love’s here, now, and always

 © 2012 S. Michaels
Taking Care of Dreams