A Divine Timing

Believe as I have promised…
My supernatural times
are here, expect great increase!

©2024 S. Michaels
Beautiful Beginnings(Prophetic Haiku 7-7-7)
Scripture: Psalm 119:49; 1 Corinthians 3:7; Joshua 21:45
Image: wallpapersafari.com

6 thoughts on “A Divine Timing

  1. Oh, no. Trials and tribulations. Praise God you can find Him right there in the midst with you!! Will continue to go to the throne on your behalf. God’s blessings. ❤️

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    1. Yes, bless the Lord, we know when the enemy comes in like a flood, He raises up a standard against him…And, as it is written, our light and momentary troubles are at work by God’s power achieving for is a greater weight in glory! (Isaiah 59:19) (2Corinthians 4:17) I always think when the enemy is hammering us hard on all sides, God’s got some GOD-SIZED good things on the way for His kids. Paul Wilbur sings it best: https://youtu.be/pfvofKFkQ50?si=jQ3lyfluBlpWK1Cs

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    1. Sharon, treasure your prayers — looks like my setback may have been due to severe allergy to a med they gave during and post-surgery. The Lord gave me insight and today my pharmacist said to go off it asap, and I see surgery nurse next week to check things. I was also allergic to the antibiotic the emergency doctor gave me on the weekend. We need Dr. Jesus!! ❤️🙏✝️

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